Rehoboth Ranch Resident Application

3 Requirements for Acceptance to the Rehoboth Ministries Ranch.

Interviewee must agree to these 3 simple Ranch Rules:

1: The course your life is on has led you to our gate.

2: It must be agreed that the Principles delivered to us by Christ will be our guide in thought, deeds, and relationships.

3: It is agreed that one must be their brothers keeper (love thy neighbor as themselves).

Prior to filling out this application you may want to download our “Expectations for Residents During Phase One” Document below:

NOTE: No use of tobacco products, including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes, is permitted within the facilities or on the property of Rehoboth Ranch Ministries at any time.

Rehoboth Ranch Ministries, Inc. provides food and shelter, but we are not responsible for medical expenses or prescriptions. It is your responsibility to cover these expenses.  Arrangements should be made prior to residency.  If NONE of the above is available to you, please inform the intake coordinator during your interview.

We will take a photograph of you upon move-in for our files.

Legal Background: Please send copies of all legal/court documents for all charges, open or closed to


The confidential information you share on this application will not be held against you or used to judge you. The RRM staff simply needs to know the facts about you and where you are in life right now. Please remember that we will not be able to help you if you are not completely honest when you answer the questions below.  Please understand that we absolutely cannot review this application if anything is left blank. If you do not understand what is being requested, please call us and we will be happy to assist you.  If a question does not apply it is very important that you mark N/A.


Schedule for Typical Week

  • Arise at 7:00 a.m., eat breakfast.

  • Class and group study until 9:00 a.m.

  • Work training from 9:00 a.m. until noon.

  • After lunch group discussions followed by work training.

  • Work training ends at 5:00 p.m.

  • After dinner, showers, free time until scheduled evening studies.

  • Two nights a week we have guest speakers.

  • Wednesday nights we attend a local church for dinner and Bible study.

  • One night a week dedicated to specific group study.

  • Friday nights are free time.